Quality charters

Customer satisfaction is our primary objective !


The sustainability and success of our company strongly depend on our ability to meet the expectations of our customers, particularly through our products, advice, and services, in a market with high demands. Our quality charter is based on several principles describing the rules of behavior and attitude that we wish to see adopted by all our employees and suppliers.

Commitment of Management

Management commits to:

• Maintain, develop, and improve our quality of services aimed at customer satisfaction and providing benefits to the company;

• Communicate to all staff the importance of satisfying our customers by developing values and an organizational orientation regarding the quality of our services;

• Define a policy, translate it into measurable objectives, and provide the necessary resources.

Commitment to Our Customers

We aim to establish lasting relationships with our customers to understand their needs well and satisfy them to the best of our ability. In all relationships with our customers, everyone shows respect towards them and a genuine desire to provide them with the best advice and services possible:

• Respectful and honest relationship

• Assurance of well-done work

• Respect for commitments and deadlines

• Adherence to procedures

• Continuous improvement of our services

Employee Responsibility

We want our employees to demonstrate frankness, honesty, teamwork, flexibility, and initiative towards their managers and colleagues to achieve our quality objectives. The following principles are applied:

• The role and contribution of each are clearly defined and known to all

• Everyone's work utilizes their skills and develops them

• Trust is the basis of all good relationships


We develop and maintain a sustainable partnership with our suppliers who meet our needs and participate in our quality process. In all our relationships with our suppliers, we apply the following principles:

• Sustainable and participatory relationships

• Monitoring and communication of our satisfaction